Thursday, July 28, 2011


Okay for august let's read Unbroken by Laura hillenbrand. I wanted a light hearted one but sometimes those are dirty so I didn't want to risk it. This gets rave reviews so I hope you enjoy it.


  1. I have been dying to read that book. I have only heard great things about it. So excited!!

  2. I have FINALLY got a copy of 'Unbroken' on hold at the library. So maybe (if I cross my fingers) it will be in my hands in the next week or two. I know I have been playing catch up with you guys. But in the mean time I will also start Septembers pick!

  3. I still haven't be able to finish this one. I got about 1/3 of the way through it, had to return it because other people want to read it and have it on hold (who knew, right?). SOOOO, now that I am invested in the characters I have to wait to finish it! Errgg!!
